Ducati 450 Single joins 900SS Bevel and Mule XS650 Street-tracker

The Mid Life Cycles workshop has been busy again with some interesting and diverse bikes, from classic Ducati Single to a Yamaha XS650-based street-tracker.
Nick's Ducati 450 Mark 3 heads a Latin line-up

First on the list for Sam Speer's expert attention was a very neat Ducati 450 Mark 3 that's been sitting idle for a while now. Some concentrated work on carb and electrics got this bevel-engined beauty up and running. Sam says it rides as well as it looks - for a short distance. Now we need to source a new alternator to keep the good spark going and a replacement for the tired Dellorto carby so it doesn't fuel up the plug after a short run. The Dellorto is a work of art - and this one will make a good shelf ornament. Call it another sacrifice to the Gods of Speed or other Ducati Deities. But it looks great alongside our almost-completed bevel-engined Ducati 900SS replica.
Yes, they do look good together...

Sandy finally gets to ride his Mule XS650 Tracker
Next up was Sandy's Mule XS650 Street Tracker. This one would have tested the patience of a weaker man, but Sandy's been waiting a while - first for the bike to be built in the States and delivered, and then for us to get it somewhere near road-legal and to sort out some teething troubles. Dr Roger fabricated front guard and chain guard, fitted a mirror, got the speedo working and wired the lights to... light; Sam stepped in to make sure the fuel flowed and the CDI unit fired that big grunty twin... There was a bit to do. But it now starts and rumbles like the big-engined XS that it is and Sandy is looking forward to riding Melbourne's streets and doing a few selected shows.

It's a handsome beast...