Greasebag. 2011. It's motherfucking back.
Mark your calenders and start cranking on your garage projects so they’re ready in time. Rob is going to be riding down with his Panhead, and Lee might make the trip as well.
You can find details here, but I have summarized it below:
Greasebag Jamboree (Chop Cult)
They also have a Facebook Page:
Greasebag Jamboree (Facebook)
The greasebag is now going to be a 3-day, Fri-Sat-Sun event.
Friday: Dice Magazine pre-party Friday night in Boston!
Damn straight, the Dice boys are coming out to celebrate with us and throw down the first ever Boston Dice Party. It's going to be at the Baseball Tavern on Boylston. Booze, bands, bikes, babes.... all the b's are covered. We'll have drink deals and a hook up for hotel rooms across the street at the HoJo's for all you out-of-towners and drunkards that won't be able to ride home after showing your alcoholic prowess. We're teaming up on this one with the Rippin’est Town Rally to throw down large. Huge party. Get stoked and start preparing your liver.
The bands are booked:
Allstonians and Ska-Prest are ska, For The Worse and Revilers are punk, and the Egos are garage rock.
The baseball tavern is a 4-story club. A roof deck, a 2nd floor lounge, the first floor main bar, and the basement. The bands will be in the basement. There will be a reasonable cover charge to get into the basement (somewhere between $5-$9), but there will be no cover charge in the main bar and the floors above. There will be a dj downstairs doing music between sets.
There is a HoJo directly across the street from the club. If you're coming from out of town and just want to roll out of the bar into shelter, we've got a great group rate for the night.
If you mention "scooter rally" when you book, you'll get a room for $135. I know that might seem pricey, but that's a really good deal for a room in downtown boston. Get 4 of your buds and split it - totally doable, and it's literally right across the street from the bar. The joint is old school class with a swimming pool, Tiki bar, Chinese restaurant & parking that is visible from most rooms
Saturday: Ride New England backroads from MA to NH. Camp. Drink. Terrorize the locals. Pass out.THE ALLSTONIANS
Allstonians and Ska-Prest are ska, For The Worse and Revilers are punk, and the Egos are garage rock.
The baseball tavern is a 4-story club. A roof deck, a 2nd floor lounge, the first floor main bar, and the basement. The bands will be in the basement. There will be a reasonable cover charge to get into the basement (somewhere between $5-$9), but there will be no cover charge in the main bar and the floors above. There will be a dj downstairs doing music between sets.
There is a HoJo directly across the street from the club. If you're coming from out of town and just want to roll out of the bar into shelter, we've got a great group rate for the night.
If you mention "scooter rally" when you book, you'll get a room for $135. I know that might seem pricey, but that's a really good deal for a room in downtown boston. Get 4 of your buds and split it - totally doable, and it's literally right across the street from the bar. The joint is old school class with a swimming pool, Tiki bar, Chinese restaurant & parking that is visible from most rooms
Sunday: Ride to Acme Choppers in Laconia for the bike show and party. Eat, drink, get stupid.
Bike Show: Nothing is changing here, same as it ever was. 13 winners, no classes, no categories, no best of show, no people's choice. The best 13 bikes bring home the glory - end of story.
The greasebag is no longer during bike week.
Yeah, we’re done with that shit. The last weekend in July will be the new date for the greasebag moving forward. Better weather, less douchery. Win-win for us. No traffic, no overpriced everything. Plenty of killer roads to ride and less bro-dudes to deal with.
Admission is still free. There will be a $15 fee for camping saturday night, but the flip side is free food and beer. That's right, free food and beer.